Friday, June 30, 2006

Germany Vs Argentina.... Must Watch.

We'll I don't think I need to tell anything about this to die hard football fans.... its Ger Vs Arg today.... and Arg have taken the lead just now..... Roberto Ayala of Argentina has given his team a crucial lead in the 49' minute........

This match is a close contest and a must watch ....

so any1 reading this post about now... shut your computer off and turn that dammed T.V. on..... go on now don't wait....



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Performancing... Amazing

Hi ya ppl,

Discovered Performancing today... like numerous of other bloggers, and I have only one word for it....

"Awesome"..... Simply Awesome

I now tend to think of how bloggers have survived so long without this .... though I must admit that it has been out for a long time now, and that it was only me who was ignorant to it.

We'll there is a famous saying in hindi which says, "Der Aaye Durust Aaye", (meaning better late than never). I guess the same goes for me...... better late than never.

We'll here goes my first post powered by performancing!!!! eh

Tejas ;)

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

My First post.......

We'll people welcome to my Blog.... this is where I share my feelings, my emotions, my successes, my failures etc in short My Life with you.... this is a collection of the day to day events of my Life..
